Dear Whoever,


Dear Whoever,

Its amazing how I got to know about Blogs. Two days ago, I didn't have any idea what so ever. Its only by a mere chance I registered myself this one, I searched a bit, and here I am posting my first entry. However, what is still amazingly amazing: How you found your way till You reached here.. and Guess What! YOU are reading MY words!!!

As far as I got it, blogs are mainly about your personal life, opinions, thoughts...etc. And in my first entry, I am supposed to post something of the sort, or at the least, give you few lines about myself.

Yet, I wonder.. Who I am?! just like you, I guess.. or like any other one you pass by while you are crossing the street.. i.e. Who Cares?!

Just leave time to decide where the tide shall take me..

That reminds me of a line, I heard long time ago "I send my words to the void, and wish someone, somewhere would listen".. So may be you are the one to read my message in a bottle.. or in a Blog.. !!


just me

PS: If you ever felt you have answers to my questions, or questions to my questions.. feel free to comment.. I don't promise to have answers, I'll only promise to share your wonders..