Dear Whoever,
Dear Whoever,
Its amazing how I got to know about Blogs. Two days ago, I didn't have any idea what so ever. Its only by a mere chance I registered myself this one, I searched a bit, and here I am posting my first entry. However, what is still amazingly amazing: How you found your way till You reached here.. and Guess What! YOU are reading MY words!!!
As far as I got it, blogs are mainly about your personal life, opinions, thoughts...etc. And in my first entry, I am supposed to post something of the sort, or at the least, give you few lines about myself.
Yet, I wonder.. Who I am?! just like you, I guess.. or like any other one you pass by while you are crossing the street.. i.e. Who Cares?!
Just leave time to decide where the tide shall take me..
PS: If you ever felt you have answers to my questions, or questions to my questions.. feel free to comment.. I don't promise to have answers, I'll only promise to share your wonders..